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Posts posted by trekkiebabe
I hate having to choose between the two...I love them both.
But if I had to choose just one,it would be LOTR.Sorry Harry!Hope I'm not banished from Hogwart's....
I am not bashing my country, I know all of this.I didn't accuse you of bashing Canada.I'm just wondering why'd you prefer to serve in the U.S. Military?Unless,you'd rather not say...which is fine.
Myself,I came really close to joining the U.S. Coast Guard just after my senior year of high school.A USCG officer visited my school and I ended up talking to her for almost an hour during my lunch period about the pros and cons of a career in the Coast Guard.Ultimately,I chickened out at the last second....
something I have occasionally regretted since then.But,It isn't too late.Next year,after college I still might join.
Just curious,Batok.Why so down on your country's military?
The Canadian military uses much the same technology and hardware that the British and American military's use.The Canadian military has an excellent SAS unit,you could try for (modeled after the British SAS,arguably the finest elite special forces in the world).And the Canadian military has an honorable tradition.
IMO,you should be proud to serve your country.I know I'd never join the military of a foreign country.But that's just me.
Just because the Canadian government is smart enough to not become involved in every little war all over the planet,keeping most of its military forces close to home,doesn't make the Canadian armed forces inferior....just more apt to keep their service personnel alive.
May God bless her and keep her.
:blink: Knowing Quark,he would have been running the place in 2 weeks,too.
I'm sure the Ferengi would love how greedy we are.I'm not sure what they'd think about other aspects of our civilization.I recall Quark being disgusted by the fact that Earth had had racism and other prejudices,telling Sisko that for all of the Ferengi's faults they had never had bigotry,etc.
I've never hunted,I've only gone fishing a time or two.
But there's a cafe close to campus where they sell buffalo burgers,and all sorts of buffalo dishes.At first I didn't think I woud like it,but its awesome.I'm going to miss it once I head back home.
This morning the sound on my pc was working fine (at about 7 am CST),but now the only sound coming out of my speakers is a loud sort of "white noise".Even when I try and use headphones,that white noise hisses out of the 'phones,too.Anybody know what the problem might be?
I'd hate to think it was something major...
Because I like listening to Cd's while I'm doing work,and browsing for movie clips.
It never makes any sense when humans evolve on Star Trek.Lizards,spiders,lemurs,cavemen....its just stupid.
It makes sense to have some sort of non-shuttle ground transport.
The only problem I had with Nemesis was that the Romulans didn't seem very...well,ROMULAN!
I wanted mystery and cloak & dagger,I wanted the alliance between them and Picard to be a marriage of convienence,and that as soon as Shinzon was taken care of,the truce would be off and Picard and company would be chased back across the Neutral Zone.
I don't want the Romulans to be the Federation's new allies.The Dominion War is over.The Roms need to go back to being the villains they always were. :huh:
And,just for the record....I like Romulans,waayyy better than Klingons.I wanted to see a movie featuring the Romulans for the longest time.
I Know why the caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou.
That's great,admiralpeewee.You have every right to be proud of your dad.
I heard about your apartment being broken into.That's scary.I'm glad your all right,though.
Does that include me?
I like the Sith,too.I mean,how are they worse than the Jedi?Yoda and Obi-Wan lied to Luke in order to gain his help in killing Vader.That jive about "a certain point of view" was pure Bantha Poodoo.Also,in "The Phantom Menace" you can't convince me that Qwi-Gon couldn't have secured Shmi Skywalker's freedom,too.The fact of the matter is,the Jedi don't want the parents or family of the children they bring into their order having anything to do with them (sounds like a Cult).Why?To brainwash them?
Then,in "Attack of the Clones"Obi-Wan tells Anakin to ignore his feelings that his mother was in danger,and Anakin obliges his "father" figure and master,until by the time he does run to his mother's rescue its too late.Did Obi-Wan know Shmi was in danger,and simply did not confirm his Padawan's own true feelings?Then,later on Obi-Wan warns Anakin that his love for Padme is explicitely forbidden by the Jedi.Again,why?To his credit,Anakin married Padme anyway.
So I don't blame Anakin for turning to the so-called "Dark" side and wiping out the Jedi Council.They lied to him,and betrayed him.
Did Darth Maul do anything particularly heinous on Episode I?No,he confined his duties to challenging the Jedi.He never once attacked someone outside of the Sith Vs. Jedi war.
I'll agree that Vader,and Darh Sidious,eventually become homocidal monsters.But the Jedi are no flawless angels themselves.
I'd like to see more of Vulcan.Animals,landscape,ancient temples,ANYTHING!
Nice link,Son Worshiper.Thanks.It seems that a majority of the races covered are non-canon.Or,maybe I'm just not up to date on Star Trek's sentient species'?Either way,it makes for interesting reading and should be a nice resource for me the next time I try my hand at fanfic.
To me the Kazon were like "Klingon Lite" (that is,
if Trek species were brands of beer).I didn't particularly care for them from the get go.
As far as headline villains go (and that first season or so,they were the featured headliner baddies),they brought little to the table.I was thrilled when Voyager left Kazon space and moved into parts unknown,because I knew better villains HAD to be around the corner.
I watched the show.I generally enjoyed it.It was the first new "old" Trek I've seen,ever.My only complaint was that the guy playing the Klingon wasn't a very convincing Klingon.Not just because of the surrender.I just didn't like his portrayal of a Klingon from his opening lines with Garrovick.Aside from that,it was terrific for a fan-produced film.
My favorites characters were the Andorian crewman and Captain Garrovick.I also liked seeing a subterranean Andorian civilization,and a giant carnivorous lizard.
Jonathan Archer.
I hate to admit it,but of the handful of shows I do watch,one of my fav's is Jerry Springer :lol:
I also like Cheaters and Elimidate. :P
Those are the only shows I make time to see every week.I get all my news off of the Internet.
I took 3-years of Spanish in high school,and another 2 in college.
I can speak and write in spanish fairly well,but sometimes have a hard time understand it when it is spoken to me by a native spanish speaker.It's such a fast spoken language!Slow down :lol:
Miles O'Brien is one of my favorite Trek characters.Anytime they can work him into a story is great,IMO.I would've enjoyed watching him take Barclay's place.
:lol: Hmm.
I suppose that could have happened.I still like the conquored race theory.
I liked Kes.She and Neelix were so cute together :lol:
Would you let The Doctor treat you?
in Star Trek: Voyager
Sure.If I was ill or badly injured,then any doctor in sickbay will do.
If I got to choose the doctor,then I'd pick Bashir.