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Posts posted by Gabri
How Clean Is Your House? on BBC America. Scary stuff.
No blue or purple, please.I'm feeling a strong urge to chop my hair into a pixie cut and dye it a weird color. Think I might do that this weekend. I'm bored to tears with longish hair.If you do that you'll just regret it later. You've been growing your natural color out for how long now and now you want to dye it?
Oh I dyed it months ago, I'm just bored with the current color lol. You know I never stick with one style/color for long, change is too fun
I should be knitting, but I'm very lazy today.
My favorite scene was the revelation that .......SCOTTY KILLED PORTHOS!.....lolYou know what the next movie is, right?
Star Trek XII: The Wrath of Porthos
That would be pretty darned awesome. :P
Thanks, AE! Nice to see you again too. :P
It was fabulous. I didn't believe they could capture the spirit of Trek so well, and I don't think I've ever been so happy to be wrong. I know that some longtime fans are less than thrilled with some of the movie, but my SW friends and I have been talking about it, and everyone either adores it or can't wait to see it - and these are mostly casual ST fans or not ST fans at all. It's awesome to see Trek be truly accessible to the general populace again. I rather suspect that the man who marketed Trek as "Wagon Train to the Stars" would be very pleased to see such a development.
I loved those scenes too. (Including the ones with Uhura and her Orion roommate, though not for the same reasons as Van Roy. ) One of the other ones that stands out in my mind is Chekov racing to the transporter room. "I can do this! I can do this!" It was great characterization. And Sulu taking out his collapsible fencing sword rocked.
I also liked a tiny snippet - wasn't the shuttle that took McCoy and Kirk up to the Enterprise named "Gillian"? Nice nod to my favorite ST movie there. :P
No, doesn't bother me. To me, the line "not your fathers Star Trek" means Alive Again.Near it's end old Trek had bad baggage attached to it, it was considered too nerdy by mainstream and had become a rotting corpse of mediocrity. Only we hard core fans were following along anymore but we weren't enough to keep sustaining Trek in that form. ENT, INS & NEM were largely critical failures for the franchise, it couldn't continue in that state. Something had to change.
Abrams has taken the nerds-only factor out of it, made it accessible to more people and (hopefully) breathed new life in to it.
As far as the perception that the phrase is sexist, I disagree. Van Roy's right; when ST premiered, female sci-fi fans were few and far between. The cold hard truth is that they're very much the minority still, actually. Regardless, the fact that one gender was mentioned hardly indicates a derogatory swipe at the other. The old "not your father's Oldsmobile" commercials didn't mean that they didn't want women to buy the cars. Similarly, "Not your father's Star Trek" is catchier than "Not your parents' Star Trek", plain and simple, and that's what they're doing here. It's an advertising hook, nothing more. Reminds me of the time I was a restaurant hostess and a customer actively took offense that I asked "Smoking or non?" instead of putting the non-smoking option first, and demanded to know why I worded it that way. I said, "Um, because I say it a thousand times a night and "Smoking or non" is faster and easier to say than "Non-smoking or smoking." She blinked, said, "Oh," and dropped it. Sometimes the simplest answer is the correct one.
Quite so. :P
(But your av kind of freaks me out, AE. :( )
I totally agree. I've seen it twice so far, and I'll probably see it at least once more in theaters. It's brilliantly handled in every way, and I would have been so disappointed if they'd reversed the effects to the timeline. Taking Trek in a new direction like this was a fantastic idea, and is making Trek both accessible and appealing to many, many people who might never have looked at it otherwise. I think it'll wind up invigorating the entire fandom. :P
A 5, easily. I loved it, down to the last detail. This is the most fun I've had with ST since my beloved DS9 ended. :P
I especially liked the mention of a particular person and his pet from the TV series Enterprise. That was a nice little line for the fans of ENT.Awesome catch! I totally missed that connection until I read your post. :P
Probably few people even remember who I am, so for those who don't: I'm RikerChick's sister. I've been a member for a long time, but I haven't been around much because frankly, ST was no longer my cup of tea. This movie might have changed that for me. Perhaps oddly, I don't think my review is going to have many spoilers, but I'm putting the whole thing in the spoiler box for safety's sake.
Click for Spoiler: -
I heart this video so much.
The Buffalo/Arizona game, and the Cardinals are leading. Will Phoenix have a Good Team this year? The mind boggles.
Revenge of the Sith
Diet Dr. Pepper
That is the absolutely greatest thing ever. And people say animals aren't smart. *melts of extreme seagull love*
The referee called a penalty for a chop block; I could have sworn he said "Q'apla." I really need sleep.
Please Stay Off-topic Part 2
in The Cotton Candy Factory
Well, you are.
Quark is sitting in my lap, purring, breading my arm, and gazing lovingly at me. I'll know she's done with the lovey-dovey stuff when she bites me.