
The Founders
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Posts posted by Riaan

  1. Y'all,


    John Fleck is not dead. I had several lenghty chats during the Mobicon, May 21-23. John was delightful, and we had a great time hanging out at the con. BTW, he didn't know what TPTB's plans were for Silik and the Suliban. At that time they hadn't contacted him for season 4.

  2. Yeah, I agree. Twilight was a WOW ep.


    It demonstrated what a terrible threat the Xindi were to humans and the utmost importance of destroying the weapon. Up until the "Zero Hour", every encounter with the Xindi (particularly the Reptilians) reminded me of those horrible scenes of Earth's destruction and the Humans being hunted down and destroyed.

  3. Apha centari must be the home of the Denobulans...you did hear Danials say Denobulans didn't you?  so you got the United Nations of Earth/Sol system, Planatary Confederation of 40 ERidani(Vulcans), United Planets of 61 Cygni, Star Empire of Epsilon Indii, Alph Centauri.  I know the Vulcans are from 40 Eridani,  but the others: Tellerites, Andorians, Denobulans? any canon information on which are from where? and how about the Rigal people?

    The list of the founding planets is in my original post. This is directly from the Articles of Federation of the UFP. Check out UFP homepage at:



    To partially answer your question:


    To my knowledge, Alpha Centauri was originally an earth colony. But it is listed separately as one of the founding planet systems. Referring back to TOS, I never heard of the Denobulans inhabiting Alpha Centauri.


    61 Cygni is home to the Tellarites.


    Epsilon Indii is home to the Andorians.


    Hope this clears up a few things for you headborg.

  4. Here's what I got:


    Myers-Briggs would say that you are an ISFJ (Introvert, Sensor, Feeler, Judger). In Star Trek language, you share a basic personality configuration with Beverly Crusher and Chakotay.




    People like you are generally highly nurturing and caring. You're gentle and thoughtful, but also cautious, especially about exposing your inner self. You're highly protective of your privacy and share yourself with others as a sign of love. Once comfortable, however, you are quite affectionate. You also desire steady and unstinting love in return.


    You're very literal and maintain a high awareness of the physical world. You are quite likely to have a highly developed sense of spirituality.


    You are uncompromising about your personal standards and easily offended, especially when you do not feel appreciated or when people violate your personal space. You are diligent and conscientious, organized and decisive. You respond well to politeness. You enjoy productive routine.


    Your primary goal in life is helping people in real ways. Your reward is stability in your daily life and people who support your feelings. You cannot have friends who would ever ask you to compromise your values.


    Good careers for your type include primary care physician, chief medical officer, elementary school worker, guidance counselor, special education teacher, and genealogist.


    The qualities appear to be pretty dead-on. However, the elementary school worker, guidance counselor and genealogist careers hold no interest for me.

  5. The articles of the Federation state that the founding members are Earth, 40 Eridani, 61 Cygni, Eplison Indii and Alpha Centauri. Here is an excerpt of the Articles of Federation of the UFP:


    Chapter XVIII: Ratification and Signature


    Article 109


    1.These Articles of Federation shall be ratified by the signatory governments in accordance with their respective statutory processes;



    2.The ratifications shall be deposited with the government of the United nations of the planet earth, which shall notify all of the signatory governments of each deposit as well as the Supreme-Secretariat of the organization when he has been appointed;



    3.These Articles of Federation shall come into full force upon the deposit of the ratifications by the United Nations of the Planet Earth, the Planetary Confederation of 40 Eridani, the United Planets of 61 Cygni, the Star Empire of Epsilon Indii, the Alpha Centauri Concordium of Planets, and by a majority of the other signatory social systems. A protocol of the ratifications deposited shall thereupon be drawn up by the government of the United Nations which shall communicate copies thereof to all the signatory governments;



    4.The governments signatory to these articles of Federation which ratify it after it has come into force will become original members of the United Federation on the date of the deposit of their respective ratifications;

  6. Did anyone notice in "Zero Hour" that Daniels listed only 4 of the founding planets of the Federation? He mentioned the Humans (Earth), the Vulcans (40 Eridani), the Tellarites (61 Cygni) and the Andorians (Star Empire of Epsilon Indii). Daniels did not mention Alpha Centauri.


    Any ideas as to what this means? Was the "future" that Daniels showed Archer an altered one? Is Daniels and his buddies trying to muck with the timelines or trying to preserve the "correct" one?


    What are your thoughts?