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Posts posted by Riaan

  1. I wouldnt like to be the person down in the very bottom deck, like the one we saw in Voyager, in some claustraphobic monitoring room. With no one to talk to. All day!

    I wouldn't mind that as long as I had access to the internet!

    Yeah, then you could be on Startrekfans.net all day!!!


    I wouldn't like being Quarter Master. Repairing and cleaning all those uniform all day! But then again you would get to create alien attire for disguises for away teams.

  2. One thing you can do is add your Birthday but just make the year 1904 or 2002. I've looked into removing the year completely but I can't. By adding the false year it will allow your birthday to be on the birthday tracker but won't let the year be known.

    Thanks VBG. I'm going to do that.

    By the way I voted yes.

  3. I Rogue Planet, Archer mentioned the poem, "Song of the Wandering Aengus" that his mother read to him when he was a child. I remembered reading it many years ago (most likely in a Lit class), but could only remember snatches of it. I finally took the time to find it.


    I didn't know if anyone would be interested, but I thought I'd post this anyway. It might be of some use to those members that are still in school.



    W. B. Yeats


    I went out to the hazel wood,

    Because a fire was in my head,

    And cut and peeled a hazel wand,

    And hooked a berry to a thread;

    And when white moths were on the wing,

    And moth-like stars were flickering out,

    I dropped the berry in a stream

    And caught a little silver trout.


    When I had laid it on the floor

    I went to blow the fire a-flame,

    But something rustled on the floor,

    And someone called me by my name:

    It had become a glimmering girl

    With apple blossom in her hair

    Who called me by my name and ran

    And faded through the brightening air.


    Though I am old with wandering

    Through hollow lands and hilly lands,

    I will find out where she has gone,

    And kiss her lips and take her hands;

    And walk among long dappled grass,

    And pluck till time and times are done

    The silver apples of the moon,

    The golden apples of the sun.


    Here's where you can find it online, as well as an brief explanation:


  4. I voted for Kirk because, well....he's Kirk.

    It was a really difficult because I like them all.

    Picard comes in at a close second.

    Archer would have to be third-I'm a Bakula fan, what more can I say?

  5. i would like that. they really need to start the whole armed escort with thier captians, instead of sending them down alone every time. also like the idea of all officers having a side arm at all times.
    True, but isn't Star Trek suppose to depict a "better" future for humanity?  DS9 seasons 5-7 and the latest movie shows Starfleet as being more soldiers than explorrers.  Doesn't this bother anyone else?  Personally, I'd much rather be a scientist on some ship charting a nebula than a soldier on some other ship, waiting to kill aliens.


    I would much rather see them as explorers charting star systems and discovering new species. But I agree with bearded ape that they need to start having armed escorts with the Away Teams. Maybe that's one of the functions the commandos will serve.

  6. Sorry to hear you're stepping down RikerChick. You were doing such a great job as a Mod. Glad you'll still be around as one of us "regular" folks.


    Childern grow and change so fast. You need to spend as much time with them as possible. Family DOES come first.


    I can probably speak for all the members:

    Give your children big fat hugs and kisses from all of us on the board!

  7. I would definitely like to be a starship captain.


    Yes, there is a great responsibility for the many lives under your direct command, and those involved in a "situation", i.e. on a planet's surface, etc.. But I imagine the rewards of bringing a situation to a peaceful conclusion, exploring uncharted territory, discovering new species, making first contact, etc. would be immense.


    I deal with people under me on a daily basis, and I think I treat them fairly. As a result, I also feel I could handle a crew in a fair and even-handed manner. I'm a firm believer in rewarding and promoting by merit, not necessarily by time served or politicking.


    However as Mrs. Picard said:

    So much responsibility for so many lives... One wrong decision and it's all over...

    Yes, we all die at some point. At least it would be quick and hopefully in a blaze of glory.

  8. This is one of my favorite episodes. I was glad they retitled it from "Crash Landing." After viewing the episode, that title didn't seem to fit. I mean, who crash landed? That craft didn't appear to have crashed anywhere, and the Enterprise certainly didn't crash. "Future Tense" does fit better.

  9. I'd like to share with you the inspiration for the display. It comes from NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe's speech at Maxwell School of Syracuse University, April 12, 2002.


    "This is NASA's vision for the future. Our mandate is:


    To improve life here,

    To extend life to there,

    To find life beyond


    The NASA Mission:


    To understand and protect out home planet

    To explore the Universe and search for life

    To inspire the next generation of explorers

    ...as only NASA can."


    Doesn't this sound familliar? Do you think he could possibly be a Trekkie/Trekker?


    The Power Point slides that accompanied his speech can be viewed at the following addresses. Pages 5 & 6 are what appear in the center of the display. (Page 5 is especially beautiful.)



    (pdf version)



    (power point version)


    The links to his entire speech and the accompaning slides can be found at:



    I had a lot of fun researching the info for the display, and putting it together!

  10. Look at the 24th century: Picard & crew, Sisko & crew, Janeway & crew...  they all thought they were the best crew in the fleet! :clap: I think that each crew thinks they're the best.  Hmm...  Wonder what would happen if two 1st officers had lunch and then one said his captain was the best in the fleet? :clap:




    Scenario:Spock and Riker have lunch and are discussing thier former captians when an arguemnt starts.



    Spock:My Captian is better than your captian!

    Riker:No My Captian is better!!!!!!


    Spock:Well My captain is known throughout the galaxy and was involved in the Kitohmer Accords!!!!!

    Riker:Oh yeah well my Captian has a manuver named after him and was assimilated by the borg and lived to tell about it!!


    Spock:My Captian can beat up your Captain!!!!!!

    Riker:No My Captian can kick your Captian's but!!!!!!


    LOL :(

    Very Funny! :clap:


    The argument could conclude with Spock saying:

    Commander Riker, this discussion is illogical!

  11. I thought y'all might like seeing this.


    I work in the Government Documents Department of a University library. Each month a member of our staff has to create a display pertaining to government documents. For the months of November/December of last year I chose to make a NASA display with a Star Trek theme. My boss submitted to and it was accepted by Minnesota State University in Mankato to be published on their Government Documents Displays web site.


    There are numerous Trekkies/Trekkers in the library, so needless to say, the display was a hit. They were also very excited when it was published.


    Here are the addresses to the display's image page and the Government Documents Displays home page:


    Space: The Final Frontier image page:



    Government Documents Displays home page:



    Hope y'all enjoy.

  12. LUCKY!! I wish that we had something like that here...But unfortunetly there is nothing here that I know of. NASA simulators may be the closest thing, but I don't know how far away they are.

    I don't know how far away you are, but you'll have to come to Huntsville. Its supposed to be the only place in the country where NASA has this Space Camp.

  13. They put a bumper sticker on the nacelles saying:


    "My Captain was an honor student at Starfleet Academy" 


    "My Captain can beat your Captain"

    :(  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

    LMAO!!! :clap:


    Good one! :clap:


    I guess I'm just in a silly mood this morning!

  14. That sounds so cool !!!

    I want to go there !!!


    We have in Huntsville, Alabama the NASA Space Camp, where you can ride simulators, view exhibits of American aviation and space history, etc. It's been over 20 years since I've been there. It was really cool then and they've made major improvements since then.