
The Founders
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Posts posted by Riaan

  1. I don't think I'd add anything different to what SuraksSoul said, season 3 has a great mix of what you'd want in Enterprise. Even the "Non-Action" "Non-Arc" episodes contribute to the overall story and contain some bit of action. It's been a great season so far.

    I agree! Season 3 has been great so far. I look forward to each and every episode!

  2. Thanks guys. This is something I've been wondering about for a long time. I knew they had a chronometer on the the ships because of the references to it, but nothing (to my knowledge) has ever been said or referenced when they are away. It's bugged the hell out of me. Anyone got any other ideas?


    Maybe on their communicators there's a button when pushed states, "At the tone the time is..." :clap:

  3. OK, I'm going to stick my neck out and ask a potentially dumb question.


    How do the crew of Enterprise NX-01 (or any other Enterprise/Starfleet crew for that matter) keep track of time, especially when away from the ship? I don't recall seeing any of the crew wearing wrist watches or any other type of chronometer. Away teams have to report to the ship at certain intervals, so how do they know when it's time to report in? Is there some sort of chronometer in the communicators, maybe?