
The Founders
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Posts posted by gul_nodrog

  1. Definitely worth the trip! We went when it first opened, so we haven't seen the Borg invasion either, but Quarks was just awesome. They had a drink called "Warp Core Breach" for two which they brought to your table in a fishbowl with two straws. Steam was rolling off of it and basically it was just "hooch" but it was hilarious.


    And the Klingons parading around were cool.


    I think I ordered a "Romulan Warbird" for dinner one night, which was just grilled chicken.


    The Hilton is a very nice hotel and there is another restaurant/buffet type thing on the premises. We ate most of our meals at Quarks, but switched off to the buffet every once in a while.


    Definitely go if you can possibly arrange it.

  2. Now I don't know about Riker dying ....


    It always struck me that Riker outranked Data on the Enterprise considering Data's seniority in years (wasn't 26 years stated in "Measure of a Man" during season 2?). Surely, that was more than Riker had under his belt ... he seemed very young in Encounter at Farpoint, not fresh from the academy young, but young.


    I'm sure that it was prejudice against Data as an "artificial" life form that held him back a bit and allowed a younger officer with fewer service years to outrank him. You encounter it periodically throughout TNGs run, this poor attitude about Data from folks outside of the crew of the Enterprise.


    In the movie First Contact you really see the relationship between Picard and Data developing into that "father/son" thing ... In FC, I personally would throw Worf in there as well so that you have the Kirk/Spock/McCoy thing mirrored. Of course, all that was thrown out in the subsequent Star Trek "films" ... but, oh well, there it is.

  3. I'd much rather see them do a high-quality television mini-series with Riker on the Titan (or Sisko returning from the Celestial Temple) than another big screen farce.


    I would definitely purchase a direct-to-DVD featuring the Titan, I would certainly watch it if it first aired on television and then buy it when it became available.


    This could be the salvation of the franchise if someone over at Paramount would get their head out of their bottom.

  4. I didn't like the line "the second we pick up a weapon we become one of them".


    That's just the kind of hippie nonsense I can't stand.


    So, by that logic, if someone is trying to kill you, and they say "We want to kill you" and you pick up a weapon to defend yourself, that makes you like the people who want you dead???


    Where's the rational in that???




    Also, their philosophy doesn't stand up. They don't rely on technology so they think they've found the perfect society, but they rely on a certain chemical in the rings of their planet, so what's the difference? They didn't evolve into a harmonious society, they just got VERY lucky and happen to find a planet that could give them eternal life.


    I don't understand why the Federation hadn't alrwady been building settlements on that planet as soon as they discovered it, and I don't buy this excuse that it lies in a dodgy patch of space. What would they have done if another hostile race tried to take their planet, other than the Son'a??? Would they have stood by and done nothing, since they refuse to fight??? With the Son'a originally, they could have become very powerful, with advanced ships, two slave races, and retained their little planet.


    Also, I don't understand how a handful of Son'a could have conquered two entire races, however primative they may be. In VOY, the Trabe conquered and enslaved the Kazon, who were much more primative, but they still were overthrown. It was a stroke of fortune that the Son'a picked two races to conquer than were really good at learning how to do skin stretching and tooth implantation.





    :nono: :o :o :hug: :o :lol:


    Are you married? Because my husband has a sister who is not married and we need someone just like you at all of our holiday gatherings! If you are married, bring your wife and we'll adopt you both.


    "hippie nonsense" ... I love it and totally agree with you.

  5. I live in a neighborhood that is "fireworks" happy ... it drives me insane. July 4 is one thing, but this goes on all summer long from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Every weekend over the summer, my husband has to get up on the roof and clean off the litter from the rockets exploding over my house. We call the cops, they won't do crap to enforce the law (I guess they are too busy setting "traps" for people who run one of the many useless stop signs in our community).


    Also, we have a lunatic woman living at the end of the street who had a transient move in with her for several months. Since it wasn't his address, he wouldn't have been required to register as a sex-offender and we just plain didn't know anything about him. It was horrible. He is long gone however.


    It would be better in some respects living in an apartment complex ... at least there is someone in charge who can evict morons. That's not so easy to do in a one-family residential area.

  6. I don't blame Riker for turning down commands. I would rather be second banana on the flagship of the fleet as opposed to the top dog on some other ship.


    I think he was a great leader. He was the exact man for the job in "The Best of Both Worlds I & II." Just think where Picard would be if a lesser man had been at the helm of the Enterprise ... I think it would have been hard for anyone but Riker to have taken charge and rescued Picard.


    Hey, RC, I know you weren't too hip on Riker and Troi, but what was your opinion on Riker and Ro Laren? I loved that episode where they are shagging like minks (is it "Conundrum?") only to come back to themselves and remember they hate each other!


    P.S. I've been a big Jonathan Frakes fan ever since his stint on The Waltons years before TNG. He's just cool.

  7. Graeter's Black Raspberry Chocolate Chunk. The chocolate pieces are the size of my thumb and have no waxy taste whatsoever.


    Although I do agree that the Cold Stone Creamery "cake batter" ice cream is a very close second.

  8. Except when the 'know it all' fell into the water and nearly drowned. Those pouty lips were bobbing up and down like a dying salmon... ha ha ha.





    Thank you, prometheus, I really needed that laugh today!


    How do you live 300 years and not know how to swim? Just never had the time? :nono:


    Jadzia Dax was 300 years old and she had the ability to speak without a monotone. If being "at peace" means becoming eternally boring, then I think I'll pass.

  9. The Baku kid with his annoying little pet....uh...something? annoyed me.


    Also, it's mentioned that the Federation has opinion polls and such. I think that rather than wanting to protect the Baku, most Federation citizens would probably pressure the Federation to begin harnessing the power and benefits of those rings or many Federation citizens would start settling on the planet itself.





    I can't remember ... were the Baku or the Sona members of the Federation? Was it just the Sona who were members? The Baku? Either/neither?


    And now you've reminded me of the stupid little kid when I'd forgotten all about him in my loathing of Anige ... thanks a lot, dude. :look:

  10. Now, I have to agree with the King ... Picard did love Beverly and she loved him. The entire run of the series alluded to it just as it alluded to Riker and Troi, although not so obviously. Every time either one of them met "someone" there were always looks and tension and obvious overtones of jealousy.


    The only thing that really kept them apart was the memory of his friend and her dead husband.


    It makes the dressing down that Picard gives Wesley all the more effective ... he's very much a father figure for Wesley in both Wesley's and Beverly's eyes.


    I do disagree somewhat with the King though (which is fairly unusual!) in that I liked Wesley all right from about the end of the second season on. The writers just took a while to find the right "tone" for his character, as they did with several others on the cast.


    I really hated how they dropped the ball on the Picard/Crusher thing in the movies. At least they let Riker and Troi finally get married.

  11. The Offspring is most touching to me.


    One of the funniest eps for me was the one where Lt. Barclay had designed those holodeck programs featuring real crew members. Wasn't it "Holopursuits" (sp?). I love the scene where Picard is trying to include Barclay and make him feel comfortable and screws up and calls him "Broccoli" to his face. Picard, Riker and Data's reactions are just priceless.

  12. I highly recommend that no one watch these stupid movies ... they are really quite bad and an insult to the original material.


    I'd love to post your comment out on the HP message boards so those silly people out there would realize that The Prisoner of Azkaban movie was just plain awful ... no one who has not read the books would understand a thing about what is happening on the screen. And people who have read and love the books should be incensed at what they have done to the material on the big screen.


    It doesn't make any sense on screen why Harry all of sudden decides not to kill Sirius or to believe Sirius ... nothing was explained appropriately at the expense of added material and extended scenes to showcase Alphonso Cuaron's highly subjective take on Hogwarts and wizard-world special effects in general.


    Heap bad joo-joo is what I say.

  13. I can completely understand why Kirk is ticked off at Spock during ST:VI. Spock has volunteered Kirk for a mission that Kirk has no desire to go on, doesn't feel he is right for, and there's Spock up there at the podium in an open meeting with Starfleet brass wanting to make peace with the people that Kirk blames for the death of his son. He's been fighting the Klingons his entire career ... then out of the blue he's expected to extend the olive branch to his blood enemies?


    I'd be mad at Spock if I were Kirk.


    That's the only thing that ever occurred to me regarding the "tension" between the two characters. I think it's more than enough to explain Kirk's animosity.

  14. To be honest, I found myself sympathising with the Sona. The Baku had a planet of such importance and what did they do with it? Make bread?





    I'm pretty much against the whole "pastoral, agrarian-based society" thing anyway ... personally, I really hate nature in general. It's all right on t.v., but I really wouldn't want to go too long without access to a microwave and a Wal-mart.

  15. They didn't need to introduce a new Dax, especially for the last season and particularly not one as annoying and whiny as Ezri.


    They should have just used that screentime for the other characters.


    Although, if they really wanted something interesting, the new Dax could have been a bloke, perhaps some kind of Starfleet General or something, anything as long as it added to the war story and it would have created all sorts of problems for Bashir and Worf.


    :laugh:  :waaaa:




    Making the new Dax a man would have been WAY more interesting and wouldn't have taken more than a two or three episode subplot arc to explore. Or better yet, a one episode exploration of the situation and then more screen time for the remaining regulars.

  16. I haven't seen the show, but a couple years ago there was a radio DJ here who would call people up and play practical jokes on them, usually at the request of someone the victim knew.


    One day the DJ got a request to call up this guy's wife and pretend he was a private investigator who found out she was cheating.  Of course the expectation was that she would deny cheating.  But when the DJ called...  well, not only did she admit to cheating, but she offered to sleep with the DJ (thinking he was a private investigator) if he would keep quiet about it.


    This went out live over the airwaves.  :clap:  :congrats:





    What was the D.J.'s response?????


    I've seen that cheaters show once or twice ... it's just a little too "Jerry Springer" for my taste. Americans is so dumb. Sometimes I'm embarrassed to be one of us.

  17. Enterprise's biggest problem is UPN.  UPN is not seen in all the markets in the US, because of the not everyone in the US can see Enterprise.



    Exactly! If Paramount really cared about this franchise, it would not put Enterprise on a channel that is not available to everyone. Somebody up above said something about NBC wanting Enterprise initially ... is it someone's ego at Paramount that refused to see the wisdom of this and wanted to use Enterprise as some sort of anchor for the fledgling UPN network?


    Do most folks have WB? Certainly FOX. Maybe they should shop Enterprise around to other networks and let them off the sinking UPN ship. :congrats:

  18. I often thought that Sisko was walking a very fine line between the Federation and Bajor anyway. There was definitely a conflict of interest there, don't you think? I wonder how the Prime Directive would have applied to Sisko's role as the Emissary ... it was alluded to at different times during the series, but never substantively.


    Back to the Trill thing ... I think Sisko would definitely have been in violation of some kind of Federation mandate if he had exposed the compatibility issue. But as a member of the Trill race and a joined Trill, if Jadzia had exposed the truth would SHE have been in any hot water with Starfleet?

  19. Ezri WAS great!



    Man, I couldn't stand her!


    Seriously, though, what did you feel was great about Ezri? And, just curious, were you an avid DS9er throughout the series, midway on, or what?


    I was just wondering if there was a correlation between the level of devotion to the series and liking/not liking Ezri. Seems there are definitely two camps out here and I wonder if there is something we can put our finger on that makes a person an Ezri lover or an Ezri hater.


    You like DS9 and that is really all that matters to me! :congrats:

  20. the same way I felt about DS9. I could cry for missing that show so much!


    I know what you mean. I loved that show. Trek at it's very best. :congrats:


    (apart from Ezri Dax, whom I detested). :congrats:



    Boy, could we talk! I hated Ezri with a purple passion. Why couldn't they just have let Jadzia be transferred off the station and call in every once in a while? There was a war on, after all. It would have been highly believable that Starfleet would have reassigned experienced officers as needed.


    Oh, well ... that's another forum topic.

  21. I'd love to see an all DS9 cast movie, but with the way they scattered them to the four corners of the galaxy at the end of the series, I don't see how it would be possible.


    I wish we could have a movie based on the events of the DS9 relaunch series of books ... there is a mix of old and new in that one and the new people are just as interesting to me as the veterans. You have Kira, Bashir, Dax, Nog, Kasidy, Jake and Quark, but you also have Ro Laren added to the mix, plus a few very good supporting characters.


    Sisko's return from the Celestial Temple should be at the end and not the beginning. A cameo from Avery Brooks would be more credible and less contrived than his return at the beginning of the movie ... that should be the climax at the end of the film, I think.


    I voted no "all-new" cast .... boring.

  22. Honestly, I've never watched the show.


    I do agree that its chances would be much better for continuation if it wasn't on that awful UPN channel. Like somebody up above stated, UPN is not even carried on all the cable systems around the country. How dumb to air an ST show on a channel that isn't even available to everyone!!!


    I guess my biggest problem with the show is that I cannot stand prequels in any form. (Can anyone say "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom??" Lord, that was awful!) It is difficult for me to swallow that Enterprise takes place prior to the events of TOS because of the entire "look" of the show ... sorry, but everything on the set looking light years beyond NC1701 with Kirk and Co. is just ridiculous to me based on the premise of Enterprise. Just my own personal opinion.


    I would be sorry to see them cancel it, however, because I know that folks who like Enterprise feel about it the same way I felt about DS9. I could cry for missing that show so much!


    Here's hoping that Blalock leaves if she wants to, but the show remains on the air! Good luck, guys.