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Posts posted by gul_nodrog

  1. If you don't have a computer now, how have you been posting on this board? Have you been using something at school?


    My husband is a teacher and we have inherited so many usable computers from his schools over the years ... yeah they're outdated and pieces of junk, but they were free. We gave one to my mom, his mom, his sister, his brother, my brother ... now everyone is up and running on the internet and isn't that really all that matters to some people? None of them care that the computers are 5 or more years old, they just wanted something to surf the web with and not have to fork out $1000 or more for a new computer.


    Good for you, my lord!

  2. I love Ron Moore and Ira Stephen Behr. How they feel about Trek just pours out of them when you watch interviews. Michael Pillar, too.


    As far as Behr moving over to Voyager after DS9, good Lord, why would he even have wanted to? After the work he did on DS9, how could he have gone over to schlock it on Voyager???


    Hey, I watched Voyager, but there is just no comparison between DS9 and Voyager. One is prime rib, the other is cube steak.


    Now that you've told me about that little weasel Bragga and how he and Berman more or less forced Ron Moore out of Trek, I KNOW I wouldn't like him. Sounds like Berman just latched onto Mr. Johnny Come Lately and cast aside the people who really made TNG/DS9 the shows they were. (Wasn't Bragga shacking up with Jeri Ryan during Voyager's run? Probably explains the whole demise of the Janeway/Chakotay flirtation.)


    :laugh: Boy, this is all way off topic for the original post .... yes, TNG was an awesome show! :)

  3. I think Nicolas Cage is tiresome. It is hard to believe that he is an Oscar winner when you look at some of the post-Oscar choices he's made! I didn't like the flick at all ... just too much to swallow.


    You could probably say that about a lot of actors, though. Halle Berry, anyone? From Best Actress to Catwoman in less than two years.

  4. Generations: Terrible movie. Essentially Rick Berman indulging his hatred of the Original Series and being so spiteful to kill off Captain Kirk for no good reason other than satifisfying his own egomania.



    If Rick Berman hated the original series, why was he involved in Star Trek:TNG, Star Trek: DS9, Star Trek: Voyager or Star Trek: Enterprise in the first place?


    I mean, if he did/does hate TOS why get involved in Star Trek anything? I'm not saying that you are wrong about him. I honestly don't know much about Berman other than his name at the end of the episode. I don't read much "Trek" news ... I just watch the shows (except Enterprise .... ick). Aside from interviews with Berman on the DVD extras, I really have never paid much attention to his blather at all.


    Did he say somewhere in some magazine or interview that he didn't like TOS? Or was it just that he had a mandate that no TOS stuff be mentioned on TNG when it first started to allow TNG to stand on its own?


    On a side note: I got my first look/listen to that Bragga dude on the Season 6 special features last night. Now there's a guy I don't think that I would like very much ... what a punk.

  5. Did it ever annoy anyone else how Riker (and other members of the crew) would sometimes pronounce Captain Jean-Luc Picard?


    Usually you got the standard American accent that Will used for everything else he said, but every once in a while you got this horrendous "French" accent out of Will with all the emPHASis on the wrong sylLAble.


    I'm talking in particularly about that scene in I think it was Time's Arrow when Will was sitting at the bar in Ten Forward arguing with Guinan about what to do to save Picard who was stuck in the turn-of-the-century San Francisco.


    I don't think Will was the only one who lapsed into this weird pseudo "Frenchspeak" but he comes to mind. I prefer the regular pronunciation myself, (John Luke P'card rather than Zhan Louc P'caaaard -- it sounds dreadfully affected and fake no matter who is saying it that way --- Q included.)


    O.K. I know this is a stupid and childish problem, but I'll bet I'm not the only one who feels this way. :laugh:

  6. [All right, van Roy, that is exactly what I was going to say and exactly how I was going to say it! :) You just beat me to it.


    I "just" beat you to it by about 12 days. :yawn:



    Dude, give me a break! :laugh: It was Christmas and it FELT like it went on for 12 days (and not in a good way).


    Believe me, I would rather have been out here talkin' Trek than at the majority of family functions I was required to participate in. :) Resistance was futile.

  7. I would like to see a St film with Steven spieldberg as the director,i really think he would do a great job i mean look at his track record,i cant think of one bad film he has made :)



    *cough* 1941


    *cough, cough* A.I.



    All right, van Roy, that is exactly what I was going to say and exactly how I was going to say it! :) You just beat me to it.


    In all honesty though, Spielberg is a huge talent. I doubt he would "slum" it with Star Trek, though ... he really likes to do his own thing.


    I voted for Moore and Meyer. But really, isn't it more about the script than it is the director? I mean, anyone could direct a film effectively ... anyone on your list would do just fine IF they had a decent story to work with.


    I hope they never allow that Bruckheimer guy to get his hands on Trek ... what a travesty that would be. I'm sorry, but his movies suck (with the exception of Pirates of the Carribean ... and that is just because I got to look at Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom for a couple of hours!). I really hate his style and I don't think it would mesh well with Trek at all.


    Please don't throw things at me! I get fairly passionate over a small number of things and Bruckheimer is one of those things (Armageddon? Pearl Harbor? Con-Air? puleeeeze :laugh: )

  8. We just got our TNG Seasons 6 and 7 from with our Christmas money ... we are going to get Data's head out of San Francisco just as soon as we watch our Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Extended Edition.


    We watched the first part of "Time's Arrow" in November and Data's head, Data himself and Guinan have been hanging out in San Fran with Mark Twain ever since!

  9. What episode was this?



    "The Child", first episode of Season 2 (Pulaski's first episode).


    Dr. Pulaski is with Deanna in Ten Forward and Picard is peed off because Pulaski didn't report to him when she came aboard the Enterprise. Deanna has been impregnated by an alien and is discussing it with Pulaski when Picard shows up and gets ready to give Pulaski a "dressing down" and Pulaski just cuts him off in the middle of it and forcefully says something like, "Sit down, Captain. I think you'd better hear this."


    I thought it was great. So much better than Bev's (I'm trying to say a bad word but can't)footing around.


    I really hated how Pulaski treated Data at first, though. It was getting better toward the end of the season. Personally, I wish she'd stayed ... I liked the character and I think she had some potential.


    Come on, you have to admit the affair Pulaski had with Riker's dad was worth keeping her around just for Will's discomfort!

  10. Pulaski was cool. I didn't like the way she treated Data, but it got much better as the season went on. I loved her first scene with Picard in Ten Forward. She just cut him right off in the middle of him trying to give her a dressing down and it was very good to see.


    I love Picard, but it was funny to see her take him down a peg or two.

  11. I hope it's better than the last one.


    Aside from Umbridge I thought it was poor and unnecessarily long.  :assimilated:



    I agree with you somewhat on that one ... Order of the Phoenix was a bit tiresome with Harry being ticked off all the time. I loved that Ron was made a prefect and Harry was not. It's about time Ron got some attention. And Fred and George were great.


    Rowling has said that the HBP will be shorter than Book 5. I found that Order of the Phoenix got better with each reading ... plus I love Severus Snape and he did get some page-time in Book 5, as did all the other adult characters, which made me happy.

  12. ^^It was a definite improvement on the comic book and I'm glad they changed it for the movie ... and you're right, it makes much more sense for his body to produce the stuff rather than him to concoct some goop and a device to shoot it with. Maybe good enough for the high school science fair, but not to count on when swinging from skyscrapers!

  13. At this very moment in time my fav series is Deep Space Nine, ive almost completed the box set and watching them 1 after another has shown me just how good it really is.



    I know just what you mean.


    There's just something about being able to watch one episode right after the other ... it's more like reading a very good (very long) book.


    I know that I've really gained an appreciation for the early seasons (before Worf came on board and before Sisko shaved his head).

  14. Here's my latest ranking of TNG actors

    as of 11/04/04


    Name                                  Points                pts behind

    1. Patrick Stewart               54,293                  ------

    2. Brent Spiner                   53,995                   298

    3. LeVar Burton                  53,774                    519

    4. Michael Dorn                  53,699                    594

    5. Gates McFadden             52,883                   1410

    6. Wil Wheaton                   52,553                   1740

    7. Diane ???                       51,684                   2609

    8. Marina Sirtis                   23,112                  31181



    Just about everybody did well except for Liberal Ms.Sirtis. Just recently heard from a member of her boards that she opposes what President Bush really fought for as leader of our great nation.  I'm still very disappointed in Marina. Hence a low ranking  :)



    If you ranking was based on talent only her political view shouldn't matter. If you are going to hold her political views against her you should hold it against everyone one the list. Patrick Stewart is liberal and I notice you didn't hold that against him.



    I agree with Odie. Who cares what Marina Sirtis' political views are if we are supposedly rating her as an actor?


    Isn't she British? I don't even think she is a U.S. citizen. I imagine there are people all over the world who disagree with President Bush ... I don't happen to be one of those people, but I try to respect everyone's opinion. (Except maybe Michael Moore's :) ... someone needs to take that guy to the woodshed and open up a can of whoop butt!)

  15. Many American Catholics take issue with many of the traditional views of the Catholic church.  One of these issues is the fact that priest cannot marry.  Many feel that this is the reason why fewer Catholic men are entering the priesthood today.  Personally, I think there is much validity to this perception.



    My husband used to be Catholic (parochial school, altar boy, the whole bit). He also says that there would be more men willing to become priests if they were allowed to marry and have families as well.


    Protestant ministers have spouses and children and I can say from personal experience that the spouses are for the most part completely involved in the church, are great helpmates, and are viewed very positively by the congregation. Really an asset to the ministry.


    Now, preacher's kids on the other hand .... :) I've know some real "wild child" preacher kids in my time. :) And of course some very nice ones, too!!

  16. That's not surprising that there is a shortage of Catholic priests serving the military ... we have parishes closing around here because there are not enough priests to go around.


    I agree with mj ... there is no issue of "separation of church and state" in this matter. These ladies and gentlemen were already Catholic before they went into the military. It's a shame that there are not enough priests to serve them.


    Is there a shortage of chaplains in any other faith, or is it just Catholic?


    I wonder what the answer is for recruiting more men to become priests in general? Is God just not calling as many or are they just ignoring the call?

  17. And here I thought that I had done something wrong and got the DENIED! treatment! Phew!



    Me too, Wishfire!


    I spent all day yesterday reviewing all of my posts in my mind, worried that I had done something to get kicked off of here! :)


    I am so relieved that it was not that! "Account Suspended" sounded very ominous indeed.


    So glad stf is back up and running ... I don't know what else I would do to fill the day!

  18. I'm from England and they do look alike  :laugh:  ,say what you want about our royal family I don't like them anyway  :P  there was only one good one and that was Diana and she died  :P



    I was so torn up the weekend she died. I felt like I grew up with her ... she wasn't much older than me when she married Charles and of course I tuned in with the rest of the world for the wedding.


    We only know what the tabloids say about Prince Charles which may or may not be accurate, but I can't say that I'm a big fan of his after the way he apparently treated his beautiful wife.



    And yes, those boys look just like Beavis and Butthead. Someone should tell them so they can revamp their look! :look: :P :P

  19. I was, but I just learned that my former favorite actress Marina Sirtis a liberal. I'm very disappointed in her tremendously.  :P


    TNG should NOT be revived, but Im still a Star Trek fan however.




    I think we can all safely assume that everyone in Hollywood and the acting world in general are "liberal" ... I'm trying to tune them out when they are talking about anything other than their profession.


    As for a TNG revival, I just don't see it. I think that Enterprise needs to hurry up and end (I'm sorry, that show is just awful IMO ... it looks cheesy and I cannot stand that Vulcan chick :P ). Let Trek go away for a while (I can't believe I am saying that!) and then bring back Trek in a new and fresh way. It just feels so much like beating a dead horse right now.

  20. I haven't really seen them all but of the ones I've seen I voted for Patrick Stewart - I think partly because Scrooge seems more realistic - a genuinely flawed human being.  In other versions he seems more pathetic or cartoonlike.  Maybe a caricature.  I have the Stewart and Albert Finney verisons in my collection.


    Did you mean to leave out Bill Murray's "Scrooged" since that was an "adaptation" and didn't Henry Winkler do a version too - I've never seen that one.




    Yes, Henry Winkler did a version called "An American Christmas Carol" and it was very good.


    Not George C. Scott good, but good all the same.


    What I like about the George C. Scott version is Bob Cratchett played by none other than our very own David Warner (a.k.a Chancellor Gorkon, that awful Cardassian dude that held Picard prisoner, and also a character in ST:V???? can't remember his name.)

  21. Presently


    WWE Raw.


    WWE Smackdown.




    In the past.


    Knight Rider, Airwolf, and The A Team.



    Are you serious? :P


    You sound just like my brother. He is a professional wrestler, has his own ring and hosts events all the time. It is a scream ... he calls himself "Sweet William Valentine." Between matches he runs the concession stand and denies that he was just in the ring. :P The kids just love him.


    He quit his job and took this up about a year ago ... my parents are about to kill him. Rasslin' really doesn't pay quite as much as teaching and my mom is afraid she is going to have to go back to work to feed his family. :P


    He liked Knight Rider, too, and really dug on the A-Team. You just gotta love him. He looks like Rodney Dangerfield and is a 37 year old adolescent. He certainly makes things interesting in my family.