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Posts posted by gul_nodrog

  1. Daniel believes my liking Star Trek is just silliness pure and simple.  He told my counselor that I have one heck of an imagine and it was a shame I wasted my time with reading about and watching Star Trek.  :lol:  He also doesn't like my caring for our pets so much.  My therapist told him that if I didn't enjoy StarTrek or loved animals, I wouldn't be the person he married. Daniel  permits me my time on here and allows me to keep the pets provided that he comes first on my list when he's home. :spock: I can live with that being that Daniel works away from home and I have a lot of me time. Also being that it's wintertime I don't have to tend the gardens.



    Gee, Blue Crystal, I'm amazed that you are able to keep your ST hobby in the face of all that adversity! :laugh:


    There are so many things that I had to just let go when I got married .... Beverly Hills 90210, Days of Our Lives, Roseanne .... I just couldn't keep up with them and be a good wife as well!


    He gave up things as well ... playing his saxophone in nightclubs, Civil War reenacting ... we both made sacrifices.


    Fortunately, we found new interests together (Star Trek, Seinfeld, Playstation and Gamecube, Chinese food, etc. etc.). It was worth losing all those other things! The new things strengthen our relationship, the old things kind of pulled it apart.

  2. My husband introduced me to TNG and re-introduced me to TOS show then the movies ... now we're both huge fans and are in complete agreement on DVD purchases (all seven season of TNG and DS9, now starting on Voyager). We also have visited the Star Trek Experience and we're planning to return just as soon as our son is old enough to enjoy it.


    So no problems here because of Trek ... it enhances our relationship because it is just one more thing that we like to do together.

  3. I could see Jackman pulling off a very good James Bond.


    When did Ewan MacGregor play a gay guy? I must have missed that one ...


    If I missed it, then chances are good that a lot of other people missed it as well, so I really don't understand why the Broccoli family would have a beef against Obi Wan Kenobi!!! He's the Mack-Daddy (Ewan MacGregor -- drool).


    Oh and ditto to the Colin Farrell thing ... I cannot stand him. He has no talent and I really don't understand why people keep casting him in big movies. He stinks.

  4. Miles O'Brien was just such a "man's man" that it made sense to have him getting injured all the time. He just struck me as a such a tough man, physically, even though he was a really good husband and father, very dedicated and loving toward his family. He was big tough guy and good to have around if there was brawl on the horizon.


    You can tell that the writers and creators on DS9 really liked the character ... he's just a "lunch-box totin' joe," an "every man" sort of character. Miles is only what he is ... he's brave and loyal and heroic, but he never loses sight of what is really important in life. Leave the glory to everybody else, Miles is just going to do his job as best he can and live with it.

  5. "Quick Change" (Bill Murray, Geena Davis, Randy Quaid, Jason Robards)

    -- but only if you feel like laughing your pants off.


    "The Usual Suspects" (Kevin Spacey, Gabriel Byrne, Stephen Baldwin, Benicio Del Torro, Kevin Pollack)

    --- just one of the coolest crime suspense movies ever.


    "Office Space" --- bunch of no name guys, but very, very funny. Jennifer Aniston before she was anyone, that guy from Sex in the City, the dude from Drew Carey. It is a must-see for anyone who ever had to work in a cubicle. Excellent.


    "In the Name of the Father" (Daniel Day-Lewis, Emma Thompson, Pete Postelwhaite) --- fabulous acting, great story and a TRUE story. A tour de force for Day-Lewis, but then everything he does is quality.

  6. [/b]In my opinion, NO Trek is better than WEAK Trek, at least for a while.[/b]



    It's like making a xerox copy of something ... every incarnation is weaker than the one before. They keep beating this dead horse without any real thought going into the end product and a cheap imitation is all that is going to be handed to us once the film wraps. Hence Insurrection, then Nemesis and now Enterprise ... both mere shadows of the Trek that went before.

  7. I really wish thay gave the Doctor a name. Oh well, you cannot have everything.



    I thought the Doctor did give himself a name in one episode ... I may be dreaming here and it has been a long time since I watched any Voyager (it's not airing here either that I know of), but I could have sworn the Doctor gave himself a name in one episode about midway through the series??? Does anybody remember that?


    ;) alright, alright - i've a confession myself - i've always thought, minus some 'frown lines', that B'elanna bears a STRIKING resemblance to my younger sister - in fact, the resemblance is a little creepy - now, not Roxanne Dawson, 'cause i've checked our favourite Klingon actress sans make-up - nope - my sister looks like a Klingon - please, gawd, don't let her EVER see this... ;)



    I don't know, I think Klingon women are pretty cool looking! Remember Worf's first love interest (K'lar was it? Alexander's mom). She was beautiful, ridges and all. And, of course, Grilka (DS9) wasn't bad to look at either.


    Maybe your sister shouldn't be offended by you thinking she looks like a Klingon!

  8. Mine isn't on here ...


    I like "Starship Mine" from Season 6. It's very exciting with Picard running around the Enterprise trying to stay one step ahead of those dudes who were trying to take her.


    I do like Captain's Holiday, but I like the "Robin Hood" episode more. Q and Vash in the same episode ... :waaaa: what can I say?

  9. though i'm partial to VOY, and would deny this in public, i could not STAND kes (the character...blech!!!) - woe is kes, poor little kes, would someone pick her-big -floppy-ears-off-the -floor kes :waaaa: VS  B) 



    Kes was dreaded ... very boring to me, anyway. The whole thing between her and Neelix was like chewing on tinfoil to watch! Yech. Neelix was much less annoying once Kes was gone ... I even began to like him.


    I liked the episode when Tuvok lost his Vulcan control of his emotions and him and Neelix were chumming around. That was a great episode. Seven was a wonderful addition to the cast, but I hated the pairing with Chakotay. I always felt that he and Janeway were meant to be.


    (Hey, man, don't be dissin' my soap operas!)

  10. I don't know why people in Hollywood even bother getting married ...


    Honestly, it would be better if everybody in the entertainment business made it a policy not to get involved with someone else in the entertainment business. How in the world can anyone make a marriage work when two separate people get together but cannot or will not change their focus/priorities from themselves as a star to themselves as part of a marriage partnership?


    I'll bet there are 100s of gorgeous, unattached, young women out there working outside of Hollywood who would give up their entire lives/careers just to have Brad Pitt's children! LOL

  11. Tom Hanks... everytime reminds me of that horrific performance of Forest Gump. What a inmensly annoying movie. Since watching that I simply can not stand Tom Hanks. I would transport him directly into space if it were up to me. I hate him sooo much... he deserves to be in pain... Of course there are other actors I dont like but they actually have sometimes a good role (Like Jim Carey in the mask but thats it) but not Tom Hanks... Gah I hate him so much?



    I think Hanks is a bit overrated, I'll give you that. I didn't like "Philadelphia" at all, I've never been able to sit through "Splash" and "Sleepless in Seattle" had me sleeping in Cincinnati.:bored: I'm pretty tired of him, generally, and tend not to want to see a movie if he is in it.


    I loved his "From the Earth to the Moon" series on HBO. But he wasn't acting in it, just narrating at the beginning and end of each episode.


    "Forrest Gump" was kind of a surprise win for Hanks (at least to me). I think you'd just about have to be from the southern U.S. to really get it, or at least from a rural area. I'm surprised Hollywood (the Academy) even recognized the movie at all for the Oscars. I liked the movie, but I'm a hick from the sticks. :yahoo:


    I was disappointed that Gary Sinise (Lt. Dan "Forrest Gump") didn't win for supporting actor ... although after I saw Kevin Spacey in "The Usual Suspects" I completely understood why he beat Sinise that year. Oh my God ... that is an amazing movie!

  12. I really hope they did put the brakes on any script or story about events prior to TOS, TNG, DS9 or VOY. I am completely uninterested in prequels of any sort in this franchise ... it's the main reason I've never been able to get into Enterprise.


    Apparently, I am not the only person who feels this way if Enterprises ratings are as low as is indicated in these interviews with Rick Berman.


    Good for Paramount.

  13. Well I disagree. I think Daniel Day-Lewis mopped the floor with pretty boy DeCappio.  Don't get me wrong, he is a good actor, but not nearly as good as he thinks he is.



    Well, duh B) ... Honestly, there's no actor alive who can go toe to toe with Daniel Day-Lewis! I guess I was mainly saying that Leo did not embarrass himself (or me watching him) in the movie. It would have been an easy thing to do even for a lesser actor. Lewis is magnificent in everything I've ever seen him in ... going all the way back to "A Room with a View."


    And I don't think that DeCaprio has the "ego" that everyone thinks he has. Titanic was a horrible mistake for him ... but who knew? He's trying to lay a little lower since and that's a good thing.


    I've seen interviews with him on the "Catch Me If You Can" DVD and he just seems very sincere ... who knows really?

  14. Leo's all right ... I feel sorry for him. I'll bet he wishes he'd never done Titanic! It just about ruined his career. All those silly tweenagers going gaga ... very annoying.


    He's great in "Catch Me if You Can" and "Gangs of New York." I rented both of those movies for the other actors that were in them ... Tom Hanks and Daniel Day-Lewis ... but Leonardo really held his own with them.


    We'll probably go see it, but I really don't know how much I care about Howard Hughes, so maybe we won't go see it and wait for the video.

  15. ^I just meant that the inference was that folks who didn't like Rick Berman or that Brannon Braga character just didn't like them because they were not Gene Roddenberry and felt that any Trek that came after Roddenberry was substandard ... obviously, I do not feel that way because my favorite Trek is DS9.


    I agree ... they should have left Worf out of Insurrection and Nemesis. Give him a cameo like Sulu got in ST: VI and left it at that. But I guess it's all about the money for everyone involved (these are their jobs after all).


    Mainly, I just don't get the "warm fuzzies" from Berman or Braga that I get from Behr, Moore, & Pillar. Right or wrong, my impression is that B&B do not care as much about Trek's past as others involved in the projects do. Right or wrong, that is how I feel.


    When I posted originally in this thread, I was just coming off of watching the first interview I'd ever seen with Braga and my impression of him was not a good one ... he just kind of creeped me out. And I'd never heard anything about him before this post got started ... except that he was an item with Jeri Ryan.


    There are so many people out there writing really great Trek novels, people who really love the whole Trek universe and know it backward and forward ... if Paramount, Berman or whoever is really in charge would get their heads out of their rears and look these folks up, I think we could see a real Trek renaissance.

  16. I always liked Troi ... who cares if the ship really didn't need a counselor, having an empath on board was certainly helpful ... too bad she wasn't as good at it as her mother! If there was no Deanna Troi aboard, we'd never have met the marvelous L'xanna (however you spell it).


    Tar ... hated her from the start. Worf should have been "the man" immediately.


    Crusher was all right when they were exploring the attraction between her and Picard ... other than that, I liked Katherine Pulaski much better.


    Wesley was cool once they got him out of civvies and put him in a uniform. Once he became a little older, he stopped annoying me. But at first, I wanted them to throw him out the nearest porthole.


    TNG was an incredible television show. I'm glad it came on the air when it did, or it might have gotten lost in the shuffle of 72 channels of sci-fi crap on cable to choose from today.

  17. Actors that will keep me from seeing a movie at the theatre OR renting:

    Nicolas Cage

    Richard Gere

    Colin Farrell

    Ben Affleck

    Jack Nicholson - did you guys hear how he talked to Elijah Wood at the Academy Awards last year? Apparently, he told Wood that he'd walked out on LotR: RotK and was quite an *buttocks* about the whole thing. I'm finished with Jack.



    Actresses in the same category:

    Susan Sarandon

    Barbra Streisand

    Jennifer Lopez

    Melanie Griffith

    Catherine Zeta-Jones

    Gwyneth Paltrow


    Julia Roberts -- sometimes. It really depends on the movie/subject matter.



    Now ones that will get me to the theater:


    Tobey MacGuire

    Jeff Bridges

    Johnny Depp

    Matt Damon

    Tom Cruise - Hoping to see the Tom we saw in A Few Good Men and The Firm


    There are no women in this category... not since Meg Ryan crashed and burned with her little extra-marital romp with Russell Crowe. I've just not felt the same about America's sweetheart since that incident.

  18. I find the heading on this topic kind of weird, since "After Gene Rodenberry Trek" has a kind of negative connotation to it and that Trek includes some of the best Trek in the history of the franchise -- DS9 and First Contact. Shouldn't we have called it "Berman Bashing" instead? B)


    Click For Spoiler
    As I stated in my previous post, I don't read much about Trek in magazines, so I really know little about this entire "mess," "thing," "situation," or whatever with Berman or Braga.


    I can only speak about what I intuit from watching the special features on the DVDs and from watching 4 Trek series religiously.


    I call Braga a "Johnny Come Lately" because at the time TNG was on he came on board "later" than most of the others. (And it's the most insulting way I could think of in referring to him.) And am not against all post-Gene Trek. I don't care about Gene Roddenberry's "vision" ( B) don't shoot me, but I just don't) ... I think he would turn in his grave if saw DS9's last four seasons! However, it was the best of Trek to me. B)


    I am basing my opinions on Berman and Braga pretty much on the interviews they give on the special features of the DVDs (TNG). Braga did not show up until Season 6 on those special features and I have to say there is definitely something about him that I quite simply do not like. He has an air and a look that make my skin crawl. Opposite of those feelings are the ones I get from watching Ron Moore and Michael Pillar speak, and Ira Stephen Behr along with those two on the DS9 DVDs.


    What I do hold Berman responsible for (as the grand poobah in charge of the franchise) is the lack of caring about the details or the history behind the story when he is approving these scripts for the movies.


    In Generations, Scotty watches Kirk "die" when the Nexxus takes him. However in "Relics" where Scotty shows up on TNG (Season 6), he thinks Kirk is still alive "I knew James Kirk would get the Enterprise out of mothballs and come to rescue me" -- something like that. It's the little things like that which make Trek what it is that I don't think the Rickster understands. Likewise, wouldn't it have been a nice homage to the original series if CAROL MARKESON (TWOK) had been the woman with Kirk in the Nexxus? Not some no name chick we've never heard of. Fans would have eaten it up with a spoon, but I don't think he "gets" that.


    And it felt to me like Berman was trying to flout his "authority" over the franchise by completely dismantling the character development of Worf over at DS9, dismissing it outright, by having Worf revert to the token bumbling drunk Klingon in Nemesis. After everything the character had been through on DS9, I wondered if this so-called "Trek" fan involved in writing Nemesis had even watched DS9? He sure didn't care anything about the fans of the series ... I was highly offended by Worf's portrayal.


    It all smacks of Berman's disregard and lack of respect for the fans and the story. And there is nothing wrong with the assumption that this is "just a job" for Berman. I have had many jobs that were "just jobs" to me ... You can tell by listening to him that he does not have the same attitude toward Star Trek that many of the other folks who were working on the writing end did.


    It seems to me that Berman's problem may be that he is somewhat of a micro-manager, perhaps has too much of an ego, likes being the head cheese too much, maybe has some insecurities. Any of these would explain the feeling that he eliminates or nudges out those whose "stars" may rise above his own.


    This is my two cents based on personal observation only. I do not claim to have any authoritative knowledge ... just a fan talking here.