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Posts posted by deagletime

  1. To weird for me, to the point where it makes you think since STF.N is such a popular and spam free website, maybe the execs/Mani Coto take a look at our website from time to time for ideas and feedback




  2. pissant, he is - first, off with her head for DI (and just because it's the time of the television, don't even doubt for a second that's what they did with their wayward princess...) and NOW we've got a hag in the house - i hope he's happy trying to figure out which wrinkle to fill... :bow:



    its truly interesting to hear english from the UK as it is dramatically different than the local "dialect" so to speak in california reminds me of that scene in Austin Powers Goldmember when Austin and his father have a conversation in English that was dubbed for people not from the UK

  3. I finally got a chance to watch it too and all i can say is wow I am really surprised that theyre cancelling this show it seems every season and every episode gets better and better... the more canon background you show really bridges the gap between TOS and the later series... if all else fails i hope that SciFi network picks this up in syndication... worked for SG1.. and to close with one word


    Click For Spoiler

  4. As we all can remeber at the end of season 7 of DS9, all the plot lines finally came together and we had resolution with all our charecters.. but since Enterprise has been cut so abruptly short, how can we expect all the plot lines to be solved?  for example


    1. Tpol and Trip

    2. The mystery man from the future

    3. Forming of the Federation

    4. The Vulcan Renaissance

    5. Romulan War/ Romulan diaspora

    6. Vulcan high command/Romulan alliance

    1 - Trip/T'Pol has already been resolved this season.

    2 - "Future Guy" will likely not be revealed unless one of the last 2 episodes deals with the Sulliban somehow.

    3 - According to Trek Lore and Season 3's "Zero Hour," the Federation is formed in 2161, so unless the show runs 11 seasons, we won't see that happen.

    4 - The Vulcan Renassiance? Huh?

    5 - The Romulan War won't be shown on ENT. Fortunately, it might be featured in the 11th movie if it gets made.

    6 - There was never a Vulcan/Romulan alliance. :clap:


    Have i missed any?

    The only loose ends are the Sulliban's role in the Temporal Cold War plus who "Future Guy" is. :pinch:


    Point is since all the episodes have been written and scheduled according to, it seems that were gonna be left hanging on these topics for all of eternity...  its just like how we have no idea what happened after the 5 year mission of the 1701 (thats canon)...   really bums me out thinking about this..

    We do know whut happens after the 1701's 5-year-mission. Go check out the first 6 movies. :clap:


    and btw i swear ambassador soval's voice was the mystery man from the future

    Nope, different actor. :)




    well maybe i should elaborate

    1. Id like to see tpol and trip either get married or what not..

    2. I think we agree on future guy

    3. I was under the impression that the Fed's would form sometime around season 6 or 7 so that im off

    4. Where vulcans start doing mind melds and use that mt selyah as a katra repository (vulcan change in thinking ie renaissance)

    5. Looks like we agree on the romulan war thing too

    6. VulcanHighCommand/romulan alliance as illuded to in the last scene of Kir'shiara


    oh and i always wondered where exactly everyone went immediately after the 5 year mission not just where they were at 20 years after the fact

  5. As we all can remeber at the end of season 7 of DS9, all the plot lines finally came together and we had resolution with all our charecters.. but since Enterprise has been cut so abruptly short, how can we expect all the plot lines to be solved? for example


    1. Tpol and Trip

    2. The mystery man from the future

    3. Forming of the Federation

    4. The Vulcan Renaissance

    5. Romulan War/ Romulan diaspora

    6. Vulcan high command/Romulan alliance


    Have i missed any? Point is since all the episodes have been written and scheduled according to, it seems that were gonna be left hanging on these topics for all of eternity... its just like how we have no idea what happened after the 5 year mission of the 1701 (thats canon)... really bums me out thinking about this..


    and btw i swear ambassador soval's voice was the mystery man from the future

  6. well i suppose we did kinda see their wedding with the demon-clones i realize it wasnt them but the clones were exact replicas down to their memories and reacted in identical fashion to the originals..


    but i concur that sometimes the most unlikely opposites find themselves in the most fullfiling relationships because they compliment each other so well ... keep each other on their toes so to speak (and with these two .. is there any doubt?)

  7. ive watched all of the first season and im not giving out any spoilers but i have to say it is an awesome series!!!! if u think it starts slow, i can tell u that it gets better as the plot lines get more complicated SciFi has been pumping out some real winners lately


    ... for those of you that care, the first 15 episodes have already premiered in england and available for download on the internet..

  8. I really wish thay gave the Doctor a name. Oh well, you cannot have everything.



    His first name was Schweitzer (heroes and demons) that he decided not to use it because it was the last words his holo girlfriend said as she died in his arms..


    His second name was Shmulas (lifesigns) after his Vedian girlfriends father or uncle but i think he only lets his girlfriend call him that


    i guess u got to be a true voyanerd to know stuff like that

  9. i concur with gotabite voyager is my favorite series of all and yes, i have seen all the episodes of all the series i guess i was more drawn to the series because of the fact that there was an actual goal that the series was trying to achieve, which was to go back to earth...episdoes like pathfinder and message in a bottle made me jump with joy as they got a little more closer to home.. of course there were some lemons like concerning flight and fair haven but hey what series didnt have a couple... what was also kind of cool to me was all the incidents where we found that voyager wasnt the only alpha quadrant citizens that were stuck or lived in the delta quadrant.. like the new earth colony ('37's) , nomadic klingons, and the godly ferengi... i dunno i can never explain why i like voyager so much i just accept that i do

  10. In fact, the borg did experiment with nano-viruses to infect humans which would had a 10 year incubation period.


    In the episode 5x15 dark frontier, the borg queen assigns the task to create the biological weapon to seven of nine who flatly refuses.. the biological weapon was going to be specifically designed to infect the humans which would facilitate assimilation over a period of time, since direct frontal assaults on the UFP had proven ineffective twice. (BOBW and STFC)

  11. Fairuza Balk was in "The Waterboy" with Clint Howard.

    Clint Howard was a guest star on TOS.  :unsure:


    Humphrey Bogart



    humphery bogart - lauren bacall in key largo

    lauren bacall - nicole kidman in birth

    nicole kidman - colm meaney in far and away




    charlie chaplin