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Posts posted by Eraser

  1. Some of you guys have been complaining about the writing on Enterprise. I have to say I don't know what you're talking about.  Enterprise RULES! It's the greatest series since TNG and you know why?  IT'S FREAKIN HILLARIOUS! I haven't laughed so hard since Data and Worf dressed as Friar Tuck and Allan'a'Dale. Voy and DS9 had some cool plots, and funny bits, and action, and people overcoming their differences to live in harmony and all that jazz BUT they never made me laugh like TNG. ENT does. 

    Click for Spoiler:

    And if Archer and T'pal "get it on".


    Well wouldn't that just be so ridiculous, so utterly absurd, that it will make us all giggle uncontrolably? I know I will. And what was wrong with a night in sickbay? Archer got to do that fun apology dance. You guys should watch TOS, that'll loosen you up.



    Jen :lol:


    BTW: I take star trek about as seriously as I take life. And you have to laugh at life.

    Great post!

    I also think that ENT is one of the best Trek series ever.


    Btw. I recently rewatched some of the Original series - they messed much more with the timeline as did all of the other series toghether :dude: .

  2. As far as I know, every actor before he (she) steps in front of a camera has to sit some time in the mask. Some get only few makeup, but some need it a little bit more and sometimes it's a bit too much and if the episode is in hurry, then noone actualy notices that kind of a flaw (ir it is not too catastrophic) untill it is aired. The same is for posters, you can never tell how the foto will look like on a poster for 100% (99% is maximum).