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Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Favorite Character?

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Greetings! :blink: Everyone, pick your fav character from each series and from the movies!


Star Trek (the original series)

Captain James T. Kirk


Star Trek The Next Generation

Captain Jean-Luc Picard


Star Trek Deep Space Nine

Captain Benjamin Sisko


Star Trek Voyager

Lt. Comm. Tuvok



Comm. Charles "Trip" Tucker III


TOS movies

Captain Spock


TNG Movies

Captain Jean-Luc Picard


Well, what about you?

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TOS - Mr. Spock


TNG - Lt. Commander Data


DS9 - Major Kira


VOY - Lt. Paris


ENT - Commander Tucker


Movies: Lt. Saavik (Kirstie Alley) or the whale keeper in ST IV (played by Catherine Hicks)

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TOS: Captain Kirk

TNG: Captain Picard

DS9: Worf (Does that count?)

VOY: The Doctor

ENT: Mr Reed

Movies: Mr Spock


Favourite Enterprise award goes to............The movie refit USS Enterprise NCC 1701. That design is still the coolest! :laugh:

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TNG: Data ( wait, i know its supposed to be your favorite , notice singular, but can i list more than one, cause its kind of a tie.I also like troi and crusher, oh wait and Q, and lal, sorry getting kind of carried away here, i'll stop now)

TOS: Spock

VOY: the docter

Movies: probably lily, or anijj, or shinzon

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TNG: Data first then Picard but Lore is my favourite recurring character.

Ent: I don't think I have a favourite right now. I like them all.

Voy: I like the Doctor

DS9: No clear favourite

TOS: No clear favourite

Movies: Regular cast then Data and Picard. If we are talking non-regular cast, then I would go for Shinzon, the Borg Queen and Zephram Cochrane

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TOS: Uhura


TNG: Riker


DS9: Sisko


VOY: Janeway


ENT: Trip I think


Movies: Lily

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TOS-Uhura or Chapel


TNG-Bev(what did you expect??) :o


DS9-Jadzia Dax


VOY-probaly Janeway


ENT-Hoshi (the only ep I have seen is Vanishing Act)


Movies- of regular cast Bev (of course) of guest Zephram Cochrane...




all hail Bev!! :o

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TNG: Data all the way and more, then Geordi

ENT: Travis Mayweather

Voy: Janeway then Tuvok

DS9: Quark, Garak, then Dax...(or maybe quark, Dax, Garak...?)

TOS: McCoy then Sulu

Movies: Regular cast then Data and McCoy, no regular....too tired. :)

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TOS: Spock


TAS: Kirk (I love his voice overs)


TNG: Picard! :)


DS9: it's a tie between Sisko and Dax :)


VOY: Janeway


ENT: T'Pol and then Trip(I like them both about the same)


For the movies I'm only counting those characters that weren't regulers on the shows.


TOS MOVIES: Gerneral Chang (ST: VI) :laugh:


TNG MOVIES:Shinzon (NEMESIS) :bow:

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TOS: scotti


TNG: picard


DS9: sisko :)


VOY: all irritated me


ENT: archer


MOVIES: zephran cochrane

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TOS: Kirk (no brainer there)

TNG: Ro Laren

DS9: Jadzia Dax

VOY: Tie between Seven of Nine and B'Elanna Torres

ENT: Only watched a few eps before I got bored and quit watching

MOV: Saavik (Kirstie Alley's portrayal)

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Star Trek TOS: The Tribbles :D lol j/k, Kirk


Star Trek: TNG: Troi


Star Trek: DS9: Jadzia


Star Trek: Voyager: Three way tie. Janeway, Seven and B'Elanna


Enterprise: Hoshi


TOS Movies: McCoy


TNG Movies: Troi (especially on First Contact, Troi Drunk :bow:)

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