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Okay here i go. A few weeks ago, i think it was on the 23 of NOv., a new album was released, one that is awesome. The name of the singer, Rihanna, the name of the album, 'Rated R'. This album marks the fourth studio album for this rockin' singer since her start in 2005-2006, and it is her best selling album YET.


I love this album, and i listen to almost, no scrtch that, every day, and i just can't get enough of this girl. This album has so much emotion put into it, and you can just feel that. Not only is this her best selling album in opening week, it comes off the heels of her rocky breakup with Chris Brown, (Idiot).

With songs like, "Russian Roulette", and " ROCKSTAR 101 feat. Slash" you can see why this album is so good. But it's more than that, it's the whole album, the whole pacage that makes this album so good, and makes me love this so much.


I've followed her career from the first album, and i can say she's definatly changed her style a little. And that's not a bad thing. I like ANY Rihanna song, and if they were the only forms of music i'd be provided, i'd be happy. Now of course i'd throw in some AC/AC, SLIPKNOT,LINKIN PARK, ZZ TOP, JAY-Z, a little KANYE, and others. But that's another thing entirely, and i won't go into that.

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