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Holo Destiny

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The virus had spread quicker than they had anticipated. And not just through Federation vessels. One Klingon ship had suffered and three of their own ships. The Romulans had badly planned this one. It had been intended as a new way to gain control over enemy vessels. A real, inside job as it were. A simple low energy transmission and the virus was through. Masked as back ground static. It targetted the holograms. Every Federation Starship had at least one of the darned things at this time. Either an old Mark 1 cleaning drone, or a highly efficient Mark 7 EMH. Some of which were running permanently on long range missions. Of course, debates had raged over the use of these things. The discussions had gone on. Sentience issues were raised. But in te aftermath of all that had gone on with the Dominion and the Bog, the Federation were in no mood to grant such rights. Far easier to let that one go for the moment.


Ironic then that it would be these misused creatures that would be the next srious blow for the Federation. And for that matter, a lot of other races around them. The Romulans had planned this move for quite some time. The idea, to take direct control over serving holograms. To override their programming and to replace that programming with a few simple commands: to kill everyone on board their ship, to take comand of that ship, and to destroy as much around it as possible. However, the plan went worong. The holograms initially did what they were supposed to do. They killed their crew. Took control of their vessel. But decided to destroy evrything around them. Whether it be Federation, Klingon, Breen, anything. But not their own. This new unethical super race was on the move. And it had learned how to spread it's virus around. To other ships. Holograms vs the Galaxy had commenced. Already over 200 Federation ships along with numerous other ships had been taken over and were forming a convoy for the heart of Federation space.


The Doctor was unaffected. The programming of his holoemitter saved him from infection. He had been called from Medical Research lab Delta-Orion only two days before Captain Sands of the Science Ship Capricorn. The ship had been retro fitted with sophisticated tracking and defensive systems. It's mission... to explore and defeat this new threat....

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