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Captain Jean-Luc Picard

"Generations" - a TOS view point

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I like the movie 'Generations' a lot. I have always considered it the 2nd best TNG movie next to 'First Contact'..Yes, I do consider it a TNG movie with a couple of members of TOS in it..

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Same here - mainly a TNG movie with a few TOS characters thrown in.

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Definitely a TNG film,with a few TOS characters thrown in.Personally,I disliked the "passing of the torch" thing.The torch had obviously,already been passed(TNG had been on 7 seasons and was still hugely popular when Generations came out).And I still hate that they felt a need to kill Kirk.I know he's back in the novels,but I still don't like it.Despite this,I like Generations.Soran was a great villain,and it was fun to see the Duras sisters get vaporized. :laugh:

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I saw it as a TNG movie with a couple of TOS characters appearing in it. I disagreed with the decision to kill off James T Kirk-he deserved a much better send off than that!!

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I saw it more as a next generation film with a couple of tos guest stars. I think it would have been better if Kirk was in more of the film so they could have made it a half and half film (or just not have him die), but nonethless I still enjoyed it.

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I think it was a STNG movie with a few TOS cast members thrown in. First I think killing Kirk off was not necessary (Berman) and 2 I agree with Roguedawg in that the torch had already been passed. Oh and another example of the torch passing was the end of STVI when kirk mentioned a new crew will take over and Enterprise -A sailed off into the sun,plus the cast signed off before the credits.

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It's a TNG film, no doubt about it. They had it billed in some of the pre-movie talk as the great mingling of casts, but it didn't turn out that way. In some ways, it would have been just as effective if they'd just had Kirk and left the others out of it. Don't think it would have bothered Shatner...


I think it's funny, though - two of Shatner's biggest critics from the original cast were the only other TOS people in the movie - that must've been comfortable. :lol:

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I think Generations was made to ease the new crew into the film side of Star Trek,I'm glad they did as I didn't like TOS but I did like them in the films,perhaps because of the special effect are better now and no cardboard scenes etc.



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I always thought of Star Trek:Generations as the first TNG motion picture....

The TOS characters were only aboard for a short period of time (except for Kirk)...

:clap: I would have enjoyed the film more if they showed the surviving TOS cast giving Kirk a funeral after he was lost in the Nexus....

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