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The sunset this evening was beautiful against the Shanandoah Valley, the sky was a pale mauve and the green rolling pastures-gorgous. I find myself once again standing at a lonely cross-road trying to read the signs to tell me which way I should go to find the the east a storm is rolling up off the coast-heading in my direction. I nell down and gather up some earth, letting it slide through my fingers to judge the direction of the wind...Will she let it go? or will she let it grow? Oh...Lida let it blossom...let it grow. I mount my iron horse and with my head hanging low, I continue my journey southwest toward Tennessee.

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Collective Log: returning to delta quadrant. Collective moral overall mental state: low and confused. All attempts to re-establish communications/contact with the lifeform/ship: xxxxxx have failed.

Intellegence reports/ sensor reading suggest lifeform has new love interest. Headborg cube returning to delta quadrant to preserve the realm against internal threats/ species 8472. Current state of collective has been weakened by war with species 8472/ plans/construction of new cube ships underway...Will return in 6 weeks to Federation Space with Task Force /battleplan: consisting of 18 cubes, 36 spheres to assimilate all federation space or take xxxxxx as consort.

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The cube is making quick progress across the alpha quadrant, the mood of the crew is improving...unimatrix 32 detected a small planet populated by midget andorians, we had fun using them for target practice...sensor section seemed to really enjoy tracking down every single lifesign and relaying that info to gunnery section...where the klingon drones scored almost 100%...they are feeling salty and are ready to eat their own blood and ask for seconds. Had a landing party bring aboard all the crops these little farmers were growing..a wonderful blue barry crop.. will make a nice wine..with a little time. I've decided that we will adopt a Pirate adds character to this horrorable cube...everyone is waring eye-patches and the klingon drones have there bakliffs back.....we miss xxxxx still..I've ordered the construction of a holo-deck on board..for my journeys down memory lane...soon we will enter a region of space where sub-space communication is impossible(no pcs service) ordanally that would trouble most ships...but as we are the borg nothing brothers us...we are like the spanish war galleons of Earth's distant history..whenever any other ship see's us approach..they one #$%^ with the borg! Believe my computer system is compromised by QueenBorg...last fight we had..she mentioned many phrases that sounded simular to things I and my amorous xxxx Pm. It didn't help that when I returned home that I found 37 e-mail notifications from Vbg setting in my mail box and my partner loves to quote me back in her replys. I fixed that privacy/security problem and that when all communication ended. Plans for the final conquest of the federation is underway...will need 4 good borg to head the assault wings. Opens door to holo-deck...walks on board the ship...sees the candles, pillows, and long-stem fluted glasses...hears the music...runs out...Computer end simulation....Collective Log End.

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Stardate 4.12.04


Recent transmisson with Borg superior has clarified confusion in this sector. Most humble apologies for mis-understanding of said transmission. Grouping of StarFleet in my defense was unneccesary, and regretted. Jeanway's fears concerning threat has dissipated. Holodeck plans sound promising. And continuing effort on your part in your logs is strongly encouraged. We all need to be informed of activities in space concerning Borg and Borglike entities. Perhaps an unexpected alliance with those now concidered adversarial in nature may prove to increase one's outlook and standing in this community. All have something to contribute. many of your species have recently infiltrated. Met with some trepidation on my part, regretibly. We all need to learn how to dance together :lol: Recent alliance with said small Adorian life form is proving beneficial. Cochrane returns and saves the day :lol: Please, expand on that event. Another perspective will be welcomed. If it is still in database??? :lol: Plans to remain in this singularity I have found myself in have not changed. Atmosphere is pleasant and will remain here indefinately. Hope is also for you. Jeanway Out

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Stardate 4.13.04


Why worry Now? Course seems clear. Deliberations on future plans meet with StarFleet's approval. Not neccessary for ships to travel same course or direction to accomplish goals. Occasional sighting and cruising along side would be acceptable. But in time must veer off in opposite directions. Space is uncharted and exciting. New worlds to explore, inhabit, or visit for shoreleave. All is not lost. Databanks keep information secure and accessible. Holodeck can provide added comfort and enjoyment. Being Borg does have it's advantages. Must tend to reptilian lifeform, provide nourishment and secure in quarters for the night. Jeanway Out. Not to worry now. :flex:

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collective log supplemental: yesterday implemented plans to allow drones limited atomy for limited periods in small groups confined to holo-deck, believe this will prove a popular public relations ploy with the drones in the greater collective making up for the lose of unimatrix-0, as that was a issue brought about by the Queen collective, since my absence these 10 years the Queens have grown in power, while I have enjoyed my forlandering abroad. Crossed over into the Delta Quadrant where we were greeted by 2 of which opened fire on the Black Pearl, seems the young Queen aboard was frighted by the new "Jolly Rogers"(scull& cross bones) on each side of my armored heavy assault cube..the crew reacted with insatiable violence..we quickly came about unleased a fierce volley of every weapon on board...rammed her on edge board side nearly splitting her apart...boarding crews instantly beamed aboard....and contest was decided suddenly before the other cube reacted...that Queen always favored me anyway. More details of the engagement and the fate of the offending Queen will be included in official "after action report" in due coarse...On a personal note...I set here aboard the holo-deck boat reading Ms. X's coded transmission from Federation space...Helen of Troy-she is Not...there will be no grand invasion to "win" her back, the federation will fall.... just not over her. She left of her own accord, and I wish her "fair winds" and calm seas. Another drone, I need not, nor another master....127 Queens to deal with....oops make that 126 is enough. I look out upon the holo-graphic sea..the air is salty but fake, the sea is fake as well, it's morning and that's fake, the sound of sea gulls-fake as well, I try to stand but am wobbly..."woo, atleast the Romulan Ale was real" stands and poors out the ale over the deck, over the pillows, climbs out onto the holo-pier tossing a lit zippo into the boat....which bursts into flames....walks out.

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New Confederate Collective Log: supplemental

After defeating attacking Cube and securing second cube, I have placed the second queen in confined quarters. Taking the nearly destroyed cube in tractor tow, we have began to cannibalize it for all it's technological and biological resources. We are in route to a nearby star system (probably the port of operations for these two patrolling cubes, long-range sensors and com traffic suggest a small listening outpost and supply depot, plans are underway to maroon the mal-contents and this queen there, and raid the supply depot, unclear as to wither or not these two cubes had a chance to relay a message throughout the collective. Now have a force of two cubes, hope to streignthen that substancealy in the near future.

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STARDATE 4.16.04



As two starships pass in the endless night, tears dripping from the nacelles :flex: Jeanway Out.

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Slowly and with much trouble the two security officers remove the security lock which has sealed my quarters for the the past 3 years...and with much effort force the door to once again slide open.

"Maintenance will need to be notified about those tracks" I mumble as the security officers depart.

I step inside and as the lights slowly brighten...their circuits too, dormant these long years. The air is stale, the

room temp near freezing.

"i wonder if that milk i left in the fridge is still good?"

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welcome back

I turned and standing there ....a new crew member whom I am unfamiliar with...I notice the rank.....

"Thank You, Ma'am...."

the woman gets a strange look of puzzlement, shock, and embarrassment when she notices the 6ft tall large stone phallus in the corner of my living room.

" You Like? , I brought that back from a dig on Tinopous IV in the Delta Quad. An ancient fertility relic dating back to somewhere between the 1st and 2nd Dynasties." I explain as I rumble through a cabinet drawer.

"Ahhh! I exclaim as my hand finds the long hidden Phaser. Drawing it suddenly from the drawer and calibrating to the desired setting.

The woman is taken totally off guard as I fire a long sustained burst at the Phallus and the Alarms begin to sound. I pay no attention to them...and continue to discharge the weapon into the Stone Phallus until it begins to glow bright reddish-orange. Just as the security officers arrive, the room temperature reaches 72 deg F.


I hand the officer the phaser, as he's temporary shocked at never before seeing a giant red hot penis standing erect in anyone's quarters. "Please also Inform Engineering to reactivate the environmental controls for this room in addition to lubricating the door rollers.

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